learn to teach, teach to learn
Claudia and Simon got to spend some time with students at Smith College and Lehigh Valley Charter School for the Arts. We always find that we learn so much about our process through teaching - what is important to us, how it translates into other bodies, what makes sense and what doesn’t. Without these opportunities to teach, we would stay too much within ourselves, our own bubble, never knowing if what we wanted to say, to research, could have any impact beyond our own spheres of influence.
At Smith, we got to step into spaces that have been the dancing homes of so many mentors, and we are deeply grateful for that. Dance lives in the communities it fosters - body to body, history to future. So much of what we have been taught and carry with us was cultivated in spaces like Smith College, and we were grateful to add even a whisper of our own voices to that lineage.
At Lehigh Valley Charter School for the Arts, the power of community as vital to dance was felt again. We found our way there through partnership with Julia Ramirez, a Charter Arts alum and longtime friend and collaborator. We are reminded that this work is always up against it - there is never enough money, never enough clout, never enough opportunity. Part of what keeps this all alive is how we help each other broaden our impact. What we receive, we look to give away again, to create opportunity for someone else. With that in mind…
We both have extensive networks in many different parts of the country, and world. If there is ever any way that our experiences and/or connections can be of use to you - to broaden your reach and impact - please let us know. We will do whatever we can to keep this small and mighty community of movers thriving. all love - c+s